February 11, 2019


Canon Girls take on Charleston

A year ago today I was wrapping up an amazing weekend in Charleston. A bit of a “MomTogCation” if you will…

About 2 1/2 years ago when my soul had been crushed , this beautiful salty air loving woman came into my life. I don’t think either of us knew how amazing our friendship would become- we just knew we connected and ran with it. Erica and I found we have a lot in common, but the main things were we both loved being mommas to our little ones and had this desire to grow our passions and show our littles that dreams take work but it’s worth it!

A passing comment about how we need to lock ourselves in a hotel room and work on our businesses to follow through on this crazy dream became a reality last February when we met in the middle in Charleston along with 2 other amazing “MomTogs” who just needed a time to focus on ourselves and our dreams.

Rainbow Row

Rainbow Row









2019-02-11_0006.jpgLittle did I know that it would be the start to 2 more amazing friendships. Erica, Joanna and Shelby- Thank you! Thank you for all the late night conversations, encouragement, opinions and advice on this journey. I honestly don’t know where I would be without you! I’ve never felt so blessed to have found you and call you my friends!!
P.S. A reunion trip is a fabulous idea 😉








On the way home I made a little detour to see the Angel Oak…If you ever get the chance GO-It’s absolutely breathtaking!













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